MISAR Callouts & Activities 2009
Date Incident
13th July 09-29 hrs, Called by Fire Control to report of cow in River Severn at Saxons Lode. Crew responded and working in conjunction with Fire Service boat crew and local Upton Fire Crew, the cow was safely brought out of the river. Crew stood down 10-40 hrs.
11th July Safety Cover for Upton Triathlon. Mercia provided safety cover for just under 400 swimmers. The course was in two sections of 1500 meters and 750 meters, using the River Severn. Three powered lifeboats, each with two SRT's (Swift Water Technicians) plus coxwain and four canoeists, provided a rolling safety blanket cover. Only one person required  assistance, over the two hours of swimming.
29th June 1552 hrs, Called by Fire Control to "Persons Reported" River Severn, Worcester. Request also included "divers". Search undertaken in conjunction with Fire Service and SARA boats. Person located by members of MADU (Malvern Archaeological Dive Unit) qualified divers and, in conjunction with Fire Service boat team, one person taken to Paramedic team, who were standing by on the opposite bank. After MISAR crew debrief, crew stood down at 2010hrs.
28th June 1220hrs, Call from passing boater to two cows in River Severn at Uckinghall. Five MISAR boat crews were in the vicinity on training and quickly persuaded both cows to exit at the adjacent cow drink. Crews continued training.
28th June 0930hrs, On advice from Police, a local Upton Marina boater called to request assistance in locating a stolen boat. Two crews mobilised, one south, one north. Stolen boat located in Tewkesbury and following agreement with Police, boat was towed back to Upton and returned to its rightful owner. Crews stood down 1130hrs.
13th June Safety cover Bridgnorth Regatta, period 1000hrs/1800hrs, a total of four rescues undertaken.
13th June 0430hrs, Called by Fire Control to report of missing person, River Avon, Evesham. False alarm good intent.
16th May 1810hrs, Call from Swan Rescue to report of badly injured swan at Abbotts Salford. One boat/ crew responded (Fire Control informed). Injured swan located and passed over to Swan Rescue personel. Crew stood down 2130hrs
Monday 18th May 14.09 hrs. Called by Fire Control to report of narrow boat requiring assistance, location Pershore bridge, river Avon. Brigade had mobilised four appliances, plus Evesham boat crew. On this basis, Mercia went on standby, in case larger boats were required. Narrow boat was safely pulled to bankside by Fire crews, no further assistance required
Wednesday 27th May 1505hrs. Called by M V Conway Castle with report of injured crewmember. The person had a deep gash on the left leg,caused by a falling hatch cover. A situation appraisal decided to keep injured person on board and make earliest possible return to Upton, upon which a Paramedic Team was arranged to meet the boat at Upton quay.
Sunday 29th March 0200hrs. Called via Fire Control, to "persons reported", River Avon, Evesham. Crew mobilised but stood down en route. Call was proven to be a false alarm. Crew off duty 0240hrs.
Saturday 22nd March Safety cover for West Midlands Junior rowing trials resulted in rescue of two capsised rowers, in two separate incidents and safe recovery of one dog, all in central area of Worcester, River Severn
Saturday 8th March 1500hrs. Call from Upton Marina, to report of resident swans attacking two newcomers. Crew mobilised and visiting swans collected safely, then taken and released further down river. Crew stood down 1700hrs.
Sunday 15th Feb 1803hrs. Called by H&W Fire Control to assist Police at New Road bridge, ,Worcester (Persons Reported). Boat and SRT team mobilised. Persons located safely and incident left with Police. Crew returned to station and off duty 20.00hrs
Wednesday 28th Jan 22.21hrs called by fire control to person in distress at Abbey Road bridge, Evesham. Mobile one with Mercia 2 and crew of six responded. Combined operation of Police, Fire and MISAR accomplished satisfactory conclusion. 0045hrs crew returned to station and stood down.
Friday 9th January 2143hrs. Called by fire control to report of person in River Severn at Ferry lane, Uckinghall. Lifeboat launched at Upton Marina , but stood down by Fire Control due to person being recovered prior to attendance of Emergency services. Crew off duty 2255hrs.
Registered Charity No: 1109470
MISAR, Upton Marina, Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire, WR8 0PB
Email: info@merciarescue.org

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