
The Importance of Communications

The lessons learnt from the Stourport tragedy have taught us that communications are the key to any successful rescue.

Whether it be crewman to crewman or agency to agency, comms provide the tool to bring all parties together in a coordinated approach to achieve a successful outcome, from initiation to completion.

MISAR have taken the approach that all crew should have access to communications assets at all times and it is thus our aim to provide personal radios for all active crew.

Crew are required to monitor both channels on dual watch whilst engaged on water duties, and at time of increased risk, they may carry both dedicated Marine and Land radios.

All of our "crew" radios are waterproof (submersible to 1Mtr for 30 minutes) and have noise cancelling fist mic/speakers worn on their lapels near their ears, providing improved clarity for comms.

Crew carry both spare batteries and standby alkaline packs as some incidents may exceed normal battery times.

We have further taken the initiative to have full interoperability with other agencies and other SAR units, subsequently all of our personal radios have both Marine and Land capability as well as our own private channels, and those of associated local groups. Radios can be "hot programmed" by our own Comms officer at any incident, to give full compatibility with any other responding units.

Mercia provides a near continuous watch on UK Marine channels Channel 16 (Emergency Calling Channel) and Channel 74 (Port/Lock operations) during social hours (8am - 10pm) over the length of the Severn from Worcester to Tewkesbury.

We further provide increased level of watch at times of increased boating/water activity, eg, Upton Jazz, Upton Blues, Water Festivals etc.

If you feel you can help us in any way, please feel free to contact us.

We would like to thank the following organisations for their invaluable assistance:

Nautequipe, Station Road, Hartlebury.    Radios and General Chandlery.

Prolink Communications, Bromsgrove.   Radio repairs and specialist Antennea.

Mercia Communications, Hereford. Repeater, additional radios and support.

Registered Charity No: 1109470
Tel: 01684 593999, Email: info@merciarescue.org



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