

Water Festival 2008

We provide water safety during festivals and at Water Festival 2008 we gave demonstrations of rescue techniques.

Please click here for pictures of the demonstration

Display Unit

Our display unit can be seen at carnivals, fétes and festivals.

We have photographic displays, informative water safety posters, and usually a Cuddly Toy Tombola!

This photograph was taken at the Upton upon Severn Jazz Festival in 2005 when the Mayor came to visit us.
Cuddly Toys begging for new homes at our Tombolas held during most festivals
A member of the "Independant Lifeboats Association"
Registered Charity No: 1109470
MISAR, Upton Marina, Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire, WR8 0PB
Email: info@merciarescue.org

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