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Fundraising is a necessity for any charity and MISAR is a voluntary organisation which raises funds by:

  • Running stalls at carnivals & fetes
  • Motorway Service Station collections
  • Grants from local councils and foundations
  • Providing safety coverage at boating events - such as regattas and water festivals for which we receive donations
  • Sponsors help us by providing equipment
  • We receive donations from individuals, companies and groups
  • We apply for grants to help with specific training or equipment
  • Lottery applications
  • A lottery syndicate helps boost funds with all £10 wins and 10% of any other wins going to MISAR. So far it's only MISAR that has benefited!

Members do not claim expenses and provide their own food and drink when fundraising, so all monies raised go to the organisation.

A member of the "Independant Lifeboats Association"
Registered Charity No: 1109470
MISAR, Upton Marina, Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire, WR8 0PB



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