
Water Safety Presentations

Ignorance and/or bravado can lead to tragedies in various water situations - lakes, quarries and rivers, to name but three potentially hazardous locations.

Water temperature and river currents can be treacherous and lethal to the unwary.

We promote a Water Safety Talk for all ages from playgroups to schools and have produced a comprehensive Water Safety leaflet

The presentations include practical demonstrations of water and how even small depths can be lethal.


Brownies, working for their Water Safety Badge finding out about the effects of cold water on their hands

Sue Lloyd taking children through water safety
A member of the "Independant Lifeboats Association"
Registered Charity No: 1109470
MISAR, Upton Marina, Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire, WR8 0PB
Email: info@merciarescue.org


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